Annual Fund Campaign - Fiscal Year 2026

Dear members and friends,

I am writing to you as the spokesperson for First Unitarian Society’s Annual Fund campaign. I welcome the opportunity to express my love for this community over the last four decades. "Embracing Our Future Together” is our theme this year; I hope that you will join me in this effort.

Current annual pledges to FUS range from $50 to over $20,000, reflecting the fact that our membership crosses all socioeconomic lines. The average annual pledge is $2,980; about half our members give more than $1,800.

Despite the uncertain situation regarding our building tenant, no matter what happens, we will need your help. We need to keep FUS in a strong financial situation to allow us to attract the strongest ministerial candidates and continue to be a beacon of Humanism and help improve our world. While we understand this is a big request, I hope you can consider a 10-20% increase in your pledge for fiscal year 2026, which begins July 1, 2025.

We are asking for pledges to be made by March 2nd.

We are Embracing Our Future Together!

Please feel free to reach out to one of us with any questions about giving to First Unitarian Society.

Martha Hardesty
Annual Fund Campaign spokesperson

and your First Unitarian Society Stewardship Committee

Jenna Hutchinson, Chair
Linnea Asp
Ann Beecher, board liaison
Allan Callander
Scott Eller
Katrina Lassegard
Gene Martinez
Deedee Moore
Bruce Nelson
Dick Rueter
“Embracing Our Future Together”

Annual Fund Campaign for Fiscal Year 2026
(July 1, 2025 — June 30, 2026)
For a hard copy pledge form please visit
We do request an updated pledge annually.
Thank you!
Your Contact Information

Your Pledge

Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.

We respect your privacy and security.

We are always vigilant against any kind of fraud surrounding electronic payments. We use financial industry best practices to keep your personal and financial information confidential and secure.

Questions? We are here to help.
Doug Rohde, Finance Director
First Unitarian Society
900 Mt Curve Ave
Minneapolis MN 55403
(612) 377-6608


Dear members and friends,

I am writing to you as the spokesperson for First Unitarian Society’s Annual Fund campaign. I welcome the opportunity to express my love for this community over the last four decades. "Embracing Our Future Together” is our theme this year; I hope that you will join me in this effort.

Current annual pledges to FUS range from $50 to over $20,000, reflecting the fact that our membership crosses all socioeconomic lines. The average annual pledge is $2,980; about half our members give more than $1,800.

Despite the uncertain situation regarding our building tenant, no matter what happens, we will need your help. We need to keep FUS in a strong financial situation to allow us to attract the strongest ministerial candidates and continue to be a beacon of Humanism and help improve our world. While we understand this is a big request, I hope you can consider a 10-20% increase in your pledge for fiscal year 2026, which begins July 1, 2025.

We are asking for pledges to be made by March 2nd.

We are Embracing Our Future Together!

Please feel free to reach out to one of us with any questions about giving to First Unitarian Society.

Martha Hardesty
Annual Fund Campaign spokesperson

and your First Unitarian Society Stewardship Committee

Jenna Hutchinson, Chair
Linnea Asp
Ann Beecher, board liaison
Allan Callander
Scott Eller
Katrina Lassegard
Gene Martinez
Deedee Moore
Bruce Nelson
Dick Rueter